Friday 3 February 2017

"Britannia Waives the Rules" #Theresa May Makes Timely and #Exceptional Speech Against #Interventionism

Quote; "Theresa May has warned there can be no return to Iraq-style intervention in other countries by the US and UK as she began her visit to America by heralding the ties between the two nations.
The Prime Minister evoked the relationship between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan during a speech at the annual Congressional Republican Retreat in Philadelphia, adding that "time and again it is the relationship between us that has defined the modern world".
She signaled support for some of President Trump's key foreign policies - condemning the "malign influence" of Iran, vowing to fight Islamic State and promising to "stand up" for the security of Israel.

Mrs May said Mr Trump's victory would allow the US to be "stronger, greater, and more confident in the years ahead", as she stressed the Brexit vote would restore sovereignty and independence to Britain.
But she cautioned over foreign policy positions taken by Mr Trump during his campaign, warning that he should "engage but beware" of Vladimir Putin and Russia and underscoring the work of the UN as "in need of reform, but vital, still"."....

""She told the audience that the US and UK had a "joint responsibility to lead, because when others step up as we step back, it is bad for America, for Britain and the world".
There must be "no return to the failed policies of the past - the days of Britain and America intervening in sovereign countries in an attempt to remake the world in our own image are over*"". Go to: For full article and video.

*All Italics mine. How malign is the Iranian influence in comparison to that of Saudi Arabia (our ally), I wonder?

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